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Home » January, 2008 You are currently browsing entries posted in: January, 2008

V.I.P. presents slate of ten candidates

On successive days this week we have seen Said Musa present his party’s thirty-one candidates and Dean Barrow introduce his party’s slate of equal number. Today it was the turn of Vision Inspired by the People, a Belmopan based third party that after contesting three consecutive municipal elections in the nation’s capital, believes it is […]

O.A.S. confirms relocation of Santa Rosa

Just in case you had your doubts about the evacuation of Guatemalans from the illegal settlement of Santa Rosa, the Organization of American States has confirmed what our own Foreign Ministry has been saying since last week. That is, on January fourth the first eight families began to move to new homes in Guatemala near […]

Crowds still seek citizenship in Belmopan

Exact numbers are still hard to come by but word out of the capital city tonight is that the wave of people lining up to become Belizeans continued today. According to reporters at Plus TV in Belmopan, the crowd was only slightly smaller than yesterday but we can confirm that the applicants are being brought […]

Charred remains in canefield may be year’s first murder victim

It may be Belize’s first murder of the year, but for now we’ll wait and see as Corozal police are trying to ascertain the identity of what appears to be charred human remains found in a burnt cane field about a mile north of Xaibe Village. On Monday January seventh, police were called to the […]

Two sons already killed, third Felix son wounded

Less than two months ago Therese Felix lost her second of five sons to gun violence. Today a third son is recuperating from bullet wounds in the second attempt on his life. The incident occurred sometime after nine last night while twenty year old Kenroy Bennett was at a friend’s house on Jane Usher Boulevard. […]

Second charge levelled at Ombudsboy may be thrown out

He was originally charged with extortion and today a second charge was laid against thirty-three year old Lionel Castillo. Castillo, who is the former Investigator in the Office of the Ombudsman, appeared in Magistrates’ Court on a charge of Agreement for Influencing an Officer. The allegation is that on June seventeenth, 2007, Castillo accepted five […]

Second weed charge means no bail

Thirty-two year old business man Ellington Ottley Sr., who was charged with Drug Trafficking on Monday, was back in court today for a similar offence. Ottley and a sixteen year old minor were charged in connection with four hundred and sixty-seven grams of cannabis that police reported they found at Buy Low Fashion Boutique on […]

Businessman conned by crooked money changer

Another businessman was reportedly swindled out of a large amount of cash and police are looking for the perpetrator. According to thirty-five year old Yuan Qing Situ, sometime around three on Tuesday afternoon he was at Atlantic Restaurant on the Northern Highway when a man he knew only as “Ali” offered to change Belize currency […]

U.B. Student Association offers incentive to vote

As we reported, tomorrow is the last day to register to vote in the February seventh General Elections. But if you’re eighteen years old and have not been motivated enough to sign up, you might change your mind after hearing this offer. The University of Belize Association of Student Government has embarked on a nationwide […]

Project helps young entrepreneurs with loans, mentoring

It’s not uncommon to hear about government or N.G.O. sponsored initiatives to provide skills training for young people. What is rare however, is evidence that the programmes are working. Today News Five’s Kendra Griffith dropped in on a project that’s trying hard to get the best advice possible. Eddie Bouloy, Youth Business Trust Mentor “As […]