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Home » September, 2019 You are currently browsing entries posted in: September, 2019

Remaining Two Honduran Drug Runners Are Remanded to Central Prison

Two men from Honduras are behind bars tonight charged in connection and a Venezuelan plane laden with sixty million dollars of cocaine that landed off the Coastal Road on the night of September ninth. The duo, Allan Yovani Mejia Chirinos and Nolan Jose Carrasco Lopez were each charged with one count of  possession of controlled […]

Juan Pablo Larrea Cruz has Ecuadorian Brother Who is Allegedly Linked to Sinaloa Drug Cartel

The media in Ecuador and even in Mexico has picked up the news of the arrest of the foreign nationals for landing and attempting to move a cargo of cocaine here.  According to one report in Noticias Primicias, forty-three-year-old Ecuadorian, Juan Pablo Larrea Cruz who is locked up at the Hattieville prison, is the brother […]

Jahnon Trapp Goes Up for the Murder of Mirna Young in Santa Elena

Twenty-eight-year-old Jahnon Trapp, a resident of Esperanza Village, has been arraigned for the murder of Mirna Young, a mother of six who was gunned down inside her home in Santa Elena last Wednesday.  Trapp stands accused of letting loose a barrage of gunshots at a pair of men, including Young’s son who was standing inside […]

How Far is Too Far in Arresting Minors?

There is outrage over the manner in which members of the Belize Police Department effected the arrest of a teenage minor in Belize City on Wednesday evening.  The incident involved five officers manhandling a fifteen-year-old escapee from the Princess Royal Youth Hostel who was being apprehended for return to the facility.  But in carrying out […]

Patrick Faber Says Female Minor “Very Troubled Young Person”

While C.E.O. George Lovell condemns the policemen’s behavior, Acting Prime Minister Patrick Faber told the media today that he does not have enough information to condemn the action of the officers. Faber did say, however, that police officers need to be properly trained to deal with such situations.   Patrick Faber, Acting Prime Minister of […]

Burglary Averted near Pound Yard, but Lovell Family Has Lost Sense of Security

Well-known psychotherapist Jenny Lovell experienced a horrible scare this early this morning. Robbers broke into her family home as she and her sister were sleeping. Fortunately for her, an alert neighbour called the police to report that thieves had broken into Lovell’s house. The brazen duo was able to get away. Lovell says the incident […]

The Long, Long List of Phantom Voters

Files showing the stacking of a single residence with phantom voters are in circulation. It is an issue that keeps popping up in constituencies all over.  The key purpose of the recent re-registration exercise was to clean up the voter’s list, but leaked documents show that the trend of phantom voters continues. One of the […]

Patrick Faber Says Opposition Should Have Done Homework

Acting Prime Minister and Deputy Leader of the U.D.P., Patrick Faber says that the Opposition’s move to point out these things is hypocritical. Faber says that he does not see anything one with voters having two addresses.   Patrick Faber, Acting Prime Minister “There is a certain level of hypocrisy to point out these things […]

Patrick Faber: “I Keep Very Cordial with Gaspar”

The rumoured return of Gaspar Vega in the political arena keeps churning. Vega, the former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources resigned in 2016 following a land scandal which involved his son, Andre. He remains the area representative for Orange Walk North and had no intentions to seek political office once more. This […]

Reynaldo Verde Placed on Interdiction

Belize’s Deputy Director of the Belize Tax Services Department Reynaldo Verde is spending his third week in a U.S. jail.  He was detained while transiting the U.S. on September seventh by the F.B.I. on charges of interference with commerce by means of extortion and attempted extortion. While Verde maintains his innocence, the Belize Tax Service […]


The tourism industry is a primary pillar of the economy; it creates jobs and opportunities and is a significant foreign exchange earner.  An expo was held today in Belize City on the occasion of World Tourism Day.  Aside from the stakeholders in the industry, we found high school students debating the values of sustainable tourism. […]

Works on Civic to Continue Promptly

Two weeks ago, fifty-nine-year-old Roque Jimenez and Orlington Stuart plunged to their deaths inside the Civic Center in Belize City. The men were not wearing any protective gear while on a scaffold working on the installation of insulation when they fell and died. The work was halted but Minister of Sports Patrick Faber Faber says that it […]

Belize’s Forensic Science Service Looks at Improving Forensic Services

The installation of a forensic lab is still pending, notwithstanding, the first annual Belize forensic science symposium was held this week and the purpose of the event was threefold. The National Forensic Science Department sought to start the discussion on priority areas related to forensics in Belize among key stakeholders. These include members of the […]

A New Fleet of Vessels for the Belize Coast Guard?

The Belize Coast Guard is in the process of revamping its fleet of seagoing vessels and earlier this week the maritime law enforcement agency was gifted with a newly-built watercraft to assist with operations inside the reef.  According to Rear Admiral John Borland, there is presently a need to renew the existing vessels since those […]

Wellness Week 2019: Building Healthy Schools

Promoting a healthy life style at an early age has significant benefits. It promotes the ability of children to learn, grow and develop into healthy adults.  This week, expos were organized in Dangriga and Belize City to encourage habits that will reap significant benefits for their well-being down the road. Here is News Five’s Duane […]

Liberty Children’s Home Celebrates 15 Years

The Liberty Children’s Home offers abused, abandoned, neglected children and other vulnerable minors a safe and loving environment. While the home provides food and shelter, it also nurtures its residents through its development programmes.  Over the years, the home has helped many children to form healthy relationships and lead happy and healthy lives.  After it […]