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C.C.J. Rules that Government Unlawfully Acquired IMMARBE in 2013

A major decision was handed down today by the Caribbean Court of Justice in a one hundred and forty-eight page judgment. The  judgment from the highest court of Belize is one of the most blistering and damning on the Barrow administration, finding that its actions were high-handed in taking over the registries and not settling […]

Eamon Courtenay Calls IMMARBE Takeover Roguish and Thuggish

The comprehensive judgment included the views of every judge of the C.C.J., who came to the same unanimous decision.  Senior Counsel Eamon Courtenay, who represents B.I.S.L., spoke with News Five following the ruling.  He describes the government’s takeover seven years ago as both roguish and thuggish.   Eamon Courtenay, Attorney for B.I.S.L. “Belize International Services […]

Eamon Goes In on PM Barrow for “Won’t Pay, Can’t Pay” Remark

The government now finds itself on the hook for as much as ninety million Belize dollars, plus interest which has accrued on that quantum since 2013.  On Friday, Prime Minister Dean Barrow boldly declared, following the sitting of the House of Representatives, that government will not and cannot pay the damages being sought in respect […]

PM Preempts C.C.J. Ruling; He is Chided for Those Remarks

PM Barrow told reporters that they need not seek a response from him in respect of the outcome of the B.I.S.L. appeal.  He famously said, “I am telling you from now: won’t pay, can’t pay.” Here is that clip once again, in the context of today’s decision.   Prime Minister Dean Barrow [File: June 26th, […]

C.C.J. Judge Rips G.O.B. a New One

Of the five judges who presided over the appeal, the written judgment rendered by Justice Peter Jamadar is perhaps the most cutting and a scathing rebuke of the government.  In a section of the ruling, titled Fatal Omissions, Justice Jamadar highlights that government failed to take any reasonable steps to try and resolve the issues […]

PM Barrow Chided Over Non-decision Comment

Aside from the ‘won’t pay, can’t pay’ statements from the PM, there is also the matter of non-decision.  When PM Barrow dismissed former Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin’s ruling that he, the Minister of Finance, unlawfully spent over one point five billion dollars from the public purse, as a non-decision, it raised alarm.  The prime minister […]

Lee Mark Chang Challenges City Hall for Unpaid Food Bills of $18,000 Plus

A letter was leaked today in which businessman and U.D.P. standard bearer for Caribbean Shores, Lee Mark Chang is threatening legal action against the Belize City Council for unpaid food bills, racked up under former Mayor Darrell Bradley’s administration. In a letter, dated June twelfth and addressed to the Senior Finance Manager at City Hall, […]

Chang Says it is Not Political, it’s Business

The letter has been released within weeks of the July leadership convention of the U.D.P. where Darrell Bradley is seeking to be leader. Political pundits believe that the timing of letter is to smear former Mayor Darrel Bradley, who is running against Wilfred Elrington, John Saldivar and Patrick Faber. Lee Mark Chang is known to […]

Police Corporal Busted for Gun Documents Fraud at Police Headquarters!

Tonight a corporal of police is detained for operating a fraudulent gun license approval scheme.  Corporal Oscar Itch who was stationed at the Police Headquarters in Belmopan issued nearly thirty fake special gun license approvals. The scam was discovered by none other than the Commissioner of Police.  Today, ComPol Williams said that he went on […]

P.U.P.’s Oscar Mira to be Charged for Failure to Provide Specimen

Tonight, a cop is in the hospital recovering from injuries sustained in a road traffic accident and the police department is getting ready to charge P.U.P. Belmopan Standard Bearer Oscar Mira on Wednesday for failure to provide a specimen in connection with the accident.  It happened near mile forty-five on the George Price Highway when […]

PC Zuniga Steals $400 from Man in Detention at Police Station

Another cop is in hot water tonight and this time he’s from the San Ignacio Formation. Police Constable Roy Zuniga reportedly stole four hundred dollars in cash from a person who was detained at the police station. Investigators were able to recover the money and later charged Zuniga with theft and placed him on interdiction. […]

Were San Pedro Cops Drunk on the Job?

More news on cops who apparently were not behaving like cops. This time it is about two policemen in San Pedro who were filmed slurring, walking, and acting like they were under the influence of alcohol. Here’s how Commissioner Chester Williams responded when he was asked about the video.   Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police […]

ComPol Says Investigation into Saldivar and Longsworth Progressing Slowly

Last week news broke that the Belize Police Department had lodged a formal request with relevant government agencies to get documentation as a part of investigation into Belmopan Area Representative John Salidvar. Today, Commissioner of Police Chester Williams said that the request for documents also include those from the Lev Dermen Trial. Williams gave an […]

4 New Cases of COVID-19 Detected in Belize

There are more COVID-19 patients bringing to total number of positive cases for the country to twenty-eight. The office of the Director of Health Services has just released the data, saying that of ninety-five samples that were tested, four have returned positive. The persons came into the country last week; two through the northern border […]

Cops to Come Down Tough on Night Clubs and Rum Shops!

A new S.I. will come into effect as the country’s state of emergency ends. The Belize Police Department will be enforcing the measures that remain in place, such as the proper wearing of face masks and social distancing. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams told the press today that while they will be enforcing the law, […]

Robbers in Franks Eddy and Saint Matthews!

There were two robberies in villages along the George Price Highway on Monday. Police say that two thieves robbed a supermarket in Franks Eddy Village, while a resident of Saint Matthews Village reported that he was also targeted by robbers. Police are now investigating if these robberies were committed by the same culprits.   Sr. […]

Robbers Target Gas Station in the South!

….moving south, robbers also hit a gas station last week Friday. Police say that a gas attendant reported that some time after five that evening, four men visited the UNO Gas Station and stole cash and valuables. Senior Superintendent Hilberto Romero shares the details.   Sr. Supt. Hilberto Romero, Deputy Head, National Crimes Investigation Branch […]

Cpl Eldon Arzu Back in Court Attempting to Overturn Election Results of Police Association

Corporal Eldon Arzu is before the courts again attempting to overturn the results of the recently elected executive of the Police Association. Those elections concluded two weeks ago and Sergeant Jane Usher emerged as the new president. But Arzu is challenging the results, saying that he would have been re-elected if the Commissioner of Police […]

No Suspect and No Motive for Bullet Tree Murder

Tonight police say that they have released the man who was being questioned about the murder of fifty-two-year-old Isaias Oroman of Bullet Tree Village. Senior Superintendent Hilberto Romero says that they don’t have a motive for this murder; neither do they have a suspect.   Sr. Supt. Hilberto Romero, Deputy Head, National Crimes Investigation Branch […]

Land Issue Brewing in Jacintoville

On Monday, we showed you a land situation in Red Bank Village that has divided the village council and residents of that southern community.  Tonight, another land situation is brewing farther south in Toledo District where farmers in Jacintoville descended on a team of surveyors who were in the area earlier today mapping out parcels […]

Belizean American Businessman Gives 10 High School Scholarships

Belizean American businessman, Roman Palma is gifting scholarships for tuition and uniform to ten high school students from around the country. The Roman Peace Scholarship Fund was created by Palma to assist those less fortunate to pursue their academic goals. Entries were sent to an email address and after they were vetted by two Belizean […]

New Video/Audio System Installed in National Assembly Chambers

A modern system has been installed in the National Assembly. It will facilitate the broadcast of live proceedings of the House and Senate by media houses who will be able to connect to the feed for transmission. The upgrade was partly funded by the Government of Taiwan and has been in the making since 2019. […]