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Home » October, 2021 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2021

Late Afternoon Murder in Ladyville

A well-known taxi operator stationed at the P.G.I.A. was this evening murdered at his home in the Japan area of Ladyville. News Five has confirmed that Leo Skeen was fixing his vehicle when he was fatally shot. Reports are that the gunman came up from behind and fired several shots in Skeen’s direction. Police officers […]

Stabbing Murder in Lord’s Bank; Police Need Help to Identify Victim

The man who was stabbed to death in Lord’s Bank Village on Friday night has been identified by family members. A relative contacted news five to say that the deceased is thirty-eight year old Jason Andrewin. He was stabbed multiple times and nearby residents who heard his cries for help attempted to render assistance and […]

Jasmine Hartin Given Partial Disclosure in Manslaughter by Negligence Case

There was no drama today at the San Pedro Magistrate Court when Jasmine Hartin’s legal case continued. News Five was there early this morning as Hartin waited in the lobby on the second floor of the San Pedro Police Station before she was called into the court for disclosure. No attorney accompanied her.  Around 10:30 […]

Family Rejects Charges Against Trio Remanded for Murder at Sea

Three men were arraigned in the San Pedro Magistrate’s Court this afternoon in connection with this weekend’s shooting incident at sea that ended in the death of Jerry Espat. Twenty-two-year-old Pedro Tun, thirty-six-year-old Sergio Tun and thirty-four-year-old Gabriel Villafranco were remanded to prison until January fifth after they appeared before Magistrate Cristina Perera this afternoon. […]

FIU responds to Pandora Papers

The Belize Financial Intelligence Unit has responded to the Pandora Papers report. The release says the FIU is aware of the publication and the reported links to Belize registered entities. FIU says while no law breaking is alleged, extremely poor due diligence and oversight in conducting business is suggested, which they say is of serious […]

Oxygen demand up at KHMH

The Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital has had to install an interim oxygen distribution system due to the high demand for oxygen by intensive care patients in  the COVID 19 Unit. The hospital’s main delivery system has been in existence for the past decade. It is a storage and delivery system that supplies oxygen to over […]

Oxygen Costs Close to $200,000

Acting CEO Seguro also spoke about the cost attached to the modification at the KHMH. Needless to say, maintaining a consistent supply of oxygen to a facility like KHMH is expensive.   Timothy Seguro, Acting CEO, KHMHA “The temporary distribution system, well let me not say temporary. The interim system is going to cost us […]

Staff, not oxygen or space, would be only limiting factor for KHMH COVID ward

CEO Seguro says the public need not worry that oxygen will become a limiting factor in determining how many patients can be attended to in the COVID unit. Seguro says the hospital can also take on the challenge of finding additional space to admit new COVID-19 patients. The only limiting factor, he says, would be […]

Dr. Cuellar on Breakthrough COVID Deaths

The news that three of four COVID-19 deaths that occurred since the weekend were among fully vaccinated people has prompted COVID experts to pay keener attention to people with co-morbidity issues or pre-existing health conditions. News Five spoke today with Internist and COVID survivor himself, Dr Fernando Cuellar, about these deaths. He says that while […]

Dr. Cuellar on Use of Herbal Medicine in COVID treatment

Cuellar says that herbal medicine does have a role to play in the fight against COVID-19, but its importance is in the recovery stage.   Dr. Fernando Cuellar, Internist   “The herbs, they do have their role but people must understand it’s not one or the other, noh? It’s not exclusively if I take herbs […]

A look at free testing center in Belize City

The new COVID regulations that came into effect on October first require people, to show a vaccination card or a negative COVID test before entering government building. This includes employees of those places. GOB is now offering a measure of relief to person who requires a negative COVID test. Two COVID-19 testing sites have been […]

Kolbe Copes With Coronavirus

The Belize Central Prison continues its fight against COVID-19, as inmates and staff still contract the virus. According to Virgillio Murrillo, CEO of the Kolbe Foundation, almost three hundred cases have been detected within the prison’s gates since the onset of the pandemic. He says a recent spike can be attributed to new inmates.   […]

50 Percent of Inmates Vaccinated

Notwithstanding the recent increase in COVID-19 cases at the prison, only about half of the inmates have been vaccinated so far. The rates are higher for staff members who are required to either be vaccinated or present a negative COVID test. This requirement is now in place for visitors as well.   Virgillio Murillo, CEO, […]

CEO on Combating Gang Violence

Over fifty purported gang members were incarcerated inside the Belize Central Prison during the recent Southside State of Emergency. CEO Murillo has seen various SOE’s over the years. He spoke about the core issues that need to be addressed to effectively tackle the issue of gang violence.   Virgillio Murillo, CEO, Kolbe Foundation “We keep […]

Kolbe on Recidivism and death after prison rates

As the Kolbe Foundation continues to invest in rehabilitating prisoners, the recidivism, or return rate, remains at approximately twenty percent.  So, what percentage of these inmates is serious about change, and how does the Kolbe Foundation identify those persons?   Virgillio Murillo, CEO, Kolbe Foundation “I would want to think that there are some who […]

A Land Dispute is Brewing in Santa Cruz

There is a brewing land dispute over acreage near the outskirts of Santa Cruz Village, where residents are concerned that a private land owner is developing real estate they say was set aside for the expansion of the community.  Since assuming chairmanship of the village, Vincent Scott, has visited the Lands Department in Belmopan on […]

Property Owner Says His Papers are Legit

News Five also spoke with the property owner, Hailu Hurrissa, who says that after being successful in a legal battle with another real estate developer over the tract of land, he has been planting oranges on the acreage.  He says that the cease and desist order was rescinded when it was discovered that he does […]

The Fight Against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing

Decisive action to strengthen regional and international cooperation to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing and transnational organized crime in the fisheries sector is being taken by Caribbean ministers responsible for fisheries and blue economic growth.  The ministerial meeting on IUU fishing and transnational organized crime is one of a series of meetings that are […]

Belize’s Role in Combating IUU Fishing and Transnational Organized Crimes

In speaking of Belize’s role in fighting illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, Minister Perez says that the country has adopted a streamlined and straightforward fisheries resource act which enable the creation of a legal structure for sustainable fisheries.   Andre Perez, Minister of Blue Economy “Belize has become a leader in the sustainable use, science-based […]

Belizean Americans Meet at Diaspora Town Halls

Some four hundred Belizeans living in the USA attended Town Hall Meetings held in Houston, Chicago, New York and Miami from September 28 – October 3, 2021, organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations through its newly established Diaspora Relations Unit. According to the Ministry, there are an estimated three hundred thousand Belizeans […]

Celebrating National Taiwan Day 2021

On Monday the Belize City Council welcomed Taiwanese Ambassador to Belize David Kuan Chou Chien and other officials from the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the Belize City Hall. The invite was for a commemorative ceremony in celebration of National Taiwan Day 2021. Mayor Bernard Wagner and Ambassador Chou Chien made brief […]