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Opposition Leader Supports Majid Khan’s Relocation to Belize

Pakistani national Majid Khan arrived in Belize from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba on Thursday morning and was greeted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He had served twenty years of his life in detention for his involvement in acts of terrorism, after being captured by CIA agents in Karachi, Pakistan.  Last night we told you that […]

Patrick Faber Raises Caution Over Majid Khan’s Relocation to Belize

Patrick Faber, the Area Representative for Collet, has taken a different position from his party leader on Majid Khan’s relocation to Belize. On the adjournment of today’s House Meeting, Faber rose to caution his colleagues in parliament of possible national security threats that may arise from this decision.   Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet “First […]

Ferguson to Ritchies Bus Line “ Change Starts Now, Sorry”

Rodwell Ferguson, the Minister of Transport, has offered an explanation for the termination of Ritchies Bus Line’s road service permit. Earlier this week, we informed you that attorney for the bus company, Orson Elrington, wrote to the Department of Transport demanding that the bus line be given a renewal of its permit. In his letter, […]

Woman Chained Up and Dies in San Pedro; Police Investigating

There is a bizarre story coming out of the island town of San Pedro where a mother of five died after being bound and restrained with chains for days. Nicole Polonio was discovered on Saturday morning dead inside her room and now, a death investigation is ongoing by police in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye. News […]

Elmer Nah Enters No Case Submission During Ammunition Trial

Senior Magistrate Baja Shoman will hand down a decision on a no case submission that was made by accused murderer Elmer Nah earlier today, in respect of ammunition charges brought against him, following an incident on the Southern Highway in November 2021.  Nah, who was charged jointly along with his common-law wife Epiphania Caliz and […]

K.H.M.H Delivers Triplets

It has received flak in the past on allegations of negligence by patients and their families, but today, the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital received kudos for its delivery of triplets. Proud parents, Envil Murillo and Jennifer Murillo saw their three newborn baby boys soon after Jennifer underwent a C-Section this morning. Thereafter, the father of […]

Eight Million U.S loan for Transformation of Trade and Facilitation Services

The Government of Belize brought three loan motions, valued at a combined sixty-six million dollars, before the House of Representatives today. The first was an Inter-American Development Bank Trade and Facilitation Program for Belize at eight million U.S. dollars.  Prime Minister Briceño explained that the loan will be used to reduce the bureaucracy and bottlenecks […]

Ten Million U.S Loan Motion for Belize’s Digital Innovation Program

The second loan motion brought to the House today is valued at ten million U.S. dollars. The I.D.B. loan is being sought to invest in a digital Innovation program to boost economic benefits in Belize. The loan motion speaks to benefits for women involved in M.S.M.E.’s and rural communities, among others. But again, Leader of […]

Fifteen Million U.S Dollar Loan Motion For Development of M.S.M.E.’s and Small Farmers

The third and final loan motion tabled inside the National Assembly today is a fifteen million U.S. dollar I.D.B. loan for the development of M.S.M.E.’s and small farmers. P.M. Briceño says the monies will be used to strengthen the capacities of small business owners and farmers in a manner that is sustainable and inclusive. Here […]

Retired Major Gilbert Swaso to Officially Take up Post as Ombudsman

Retired Major Gilbert Swaso’s appointment to the Office of the Ombudsman was officially brought before the House of Representatives. The office has been vacant since March 2022. Late last year reports surfaced that the Briceño Administration had identified Major Swaso as the person to fill the role of Ombudsman. But he was yet to take […]

The Service of William Dawson Acknowledged by House of Representatives

The late William Dawson was recognized in the House of Representatives for his stellar service to marginalized communities and at-risk youths. All members of the House of Representative stood to their feet and gave a standing ovation to Dawson, following a speech from Prime Minister Briceño acknowledging Dawson’s life.   Prime Minister John Briceño “Last […]

How Will Belize Prioritize Climate Change Issues?

The government has increased public capital investment on resilience building aspects, and the price tag associated with this through to the year 2030 is close to one point nine billion U.S. dollars. Towards this end, the Ministry of Climate Change made a presentation on Thursday on the various climate change resilience policy documents. It covered […]

A Beach Nourishment Project on San Pedro

Speaking about climate change, today a News Five team was in San Pedro and came across a Beach Nourishment Project by the town council. It is a natural process of beach restoration that Mayor Wally Nunez says is being undertaken along the east coast of the island that has been experience the effects of climate […]

Boca Del Rio Bridge to be Completed in a Month

While with Mayor Wally Nunez, News Five also asked about the status of the new concrete bridge that is being installed to replace the metal bridge that once connected the north and south sides of Ambergris Caye. We visited the site where the final construction work is taking place on the Boca Del Rio Bridge.  […]

Pave Streets Coming to Residential Areas in San Pedro Town

Paved streets are coming to San Pedro Town. It was a manifesto commitment of the current P.U.P. administration, headed by Mayor Wally Nunez and his team. For quite some time, residential communities have been clamouring for better streets – many consist of huge potholes and were not only an eyesore to residents, but inconvenient to […]

Blood Bank Needs Your Blood

It’s an appeal that is made from time to time when someone is in need of blood – to go and donate blood. And the request this time is as genuine as in previous times. There is an urgent need for this life-saving fluid. And from what the records show, the number of female donors […]

A Diaspora Donation

Two months after the devastation hurricane Lisa, community efforts to assist those that were affected are still underway. One such example is Nazarene High School; they recently distributed supplies that were sent to them by Belizean women in the Diaspora.  Those items were shared with students who were affected by the category one storm. Sabreena […]