P.U.P. Leader Says Briceño Case Frivolous and Political
While the P.U.P. focused, at least this past week, on the city’s manifesto launch, last week the party took two successive political hits, both in the north. Two area representatives were criminally charged on successive days. On Saturday, P.U.P. Leader Francis Fonseca spoke about both – first the charges against former P.U.P. leader and Orange Walk Central Area Representative Johnny Briceño.
Francis Fonseca, P.U.P. Leader
“Let me deal very quickly with the John Briceno issue. That is complete, absolute nonsense. It is absolutely political mischief by Mr. Vega and his driver acting on his instructions. So that is not even worth discussing really. We know what it is. The Belizean people see it for what it is. It’s pure political mischief. But it is also a sign of where the U.D.P. is. Their focus is on intimidating, trying to instil fear in others, their political opponents, and residents of the country, citizens of the country, and we completely reject that, we completely reject that…we condemn it.”
Briceño has said that the incident never occurred and that he also considers the charges pure political mischief.