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Behind the Walls of the Princess Royal Youth Hostel

Tonight, we begin our final newscast for 2020 by going behind the razor wires and chain-link fence at the Princess Royal Youth Hostel.  For the better part of the last thirteen years, the facility has been closely guarded by the Ministry of Human Development which has kept the media at bay, particularly during times of […]

Princess Royal Youth Hostel is Not a Dump!

The Ministry of Human Development, Families and Indigenous People’s Affairs, in addressing the pressing issues at the Princess Royal Youth Hostel, will be working closely with the families of young adults who are placed in care at that facility.  Part of the problem that has plagued the hostel is the belief by some parents that […]

GSU & Anti Gang Task Force Disbanded!

The Gang Suppression Unit (GSU) and the Anti-Gang Task Force have been disbanded. This decision has given birth to the Gang Intelligence, Investigation, and Interdiction Unit (GI3), which will be under the command of Senior Superintendent of Police Linden Flowers. The Belize Police Department has also informed of the establishment of Region Four in Eastern […]

Analysis of crime data tells all kinds of stories!

On Wednesday night, we told you about the Belize Crime Observatory’s analysis of the crime data for 2020. According to the most recent figures, Belize is also on track to record its lowest murder rate since 2013. But the data, once gathered and analyzed, tell different stories. And on Wednesday, Technical Coordinator Adele Ramos of […]

Musa Under Fire From NEAB on Marijuana Comment

The National Evangelical Association of Belize, NEAB, has responded to comments made by Minister of New Growth Industries Kareem Musa, in respect of the cannabis industry and the churches’ staunch opposition to such a venture.  In speaking with the media earlier this week, Musa admitted that marijuana is consumed everyday in the country.  While there […]

Ministry of Health and Wellness Closely Monitoring O.W. and Corozal Districts

Travel restrictions across district lines in Orange Walk and Corozal are still in place. Both districts have continued to record an increasing number of COVID-19 cases, with Orange Walk having two thousand, three hundred and twenty-six confirmed cases to date, the second-highest number among the six districts. The two northern districts have also recorded the […]

M.O.H.W. Monitoring COVID-19 Mutation

As we leave behind the dreadful 2020 year, we enter 2021 with a new strain of the COVID-19 virus. The new strain was first reported in the United Kingdom where it has been blamed for a sharp increase in cases. Although scientists say there is no evidence that the new strain is more deadly, the […]

Acting Director of Health and Wellness Speaks on Use of Ivermectin

The Ministry of Health and Wellness earlier this month authorized the use of Ivermectin to treat patients suffering from COVID-19. The drug is typically used to treat many types of parasite infestations such as head lice and scabies. Studies have shown that Ivermectin has broad-spectrum anti-viral activity, reducing symptoms, as well as the activity of […]

Pablo Mis Appointed as Advisor to UN General Secretary on United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples

Pablo Mis has been appointed to the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples. In his capacity, Mis will serve as one of five persons on the Advisory Board of Trustees of the U.N. Fund. The fund was established some thirty-five years ago with the goal to enhance the participation of indigenous people in the […]

Social Security Contribution Rate Increase Deferred

The working class can breathe a sigh of relief tonight as the Social Security Board announced that the Contribution Rate increase scheduled to take effect in 2021 has been deferred. The Contribution Rate was scheduled to increase from nine percent to ten percent with the wage ceiling increasing from four hundred and eighty dollars to […]

QPP exports to the Caribbean for the first time!

Quality Poultry Products is now available in the Caribbean, the island of Grenada to be specific. Earlier this month, the poultry producer from Spanish Lookout exported a container of chicken products to Grenada. It’s the first time they are exporting and according to the chicken company they delayed it by six months to ensure that […]

QPP sales are down by 13% for 2020!

So, as you heard, Quality Poultry Products is now exporting to the Caribbean. During our interview with General Manager Raymond Barkman, he shared that despite this new exportation venture – business has been tough for the poultry producer and they have recorded a production decline of two point eight million pounds of poultry as a […]

Joy For A Child Foundation Kicks Off with a Bang

The Joy for a Child Foundation, a community outreach initiative founded by Gregory August, held its inaugural event earlier this month with an activity at B.T.L. Park that saw ten children receive Christmas gifts and other goodies.  The idea for the foundation was conceived by August, an inmate at the Belize Central Prison, who is […]

Belize Healthcare Partners Limited Providing Excellent Care for COVID-19 Patients

Belize Healthcare Partners Limited opened its doors in 2008 as a leading medical institution. Like many other medical facilities around the country, B.H.P.L. has adjusted its services for COVID-19 patients. The hospital now boasts its own isolation ward, separate from the main building, which has been in operation for some months now. Doctor Shanna Pott […]

Belize Healthcare Partner Ltd. Boast 5 Ventilators

According to Doctor Pott, the hospital has five ventilators, one for each room in the isolation unit which also has dialysis treatment capabilities. Pott says that each patient is allowed to use a tablet for them to keep in touch with their family and friends while they are in the isolation unit.   Dr. Shanna […]

Nice Cream – a sweet story of success in Hopkins!

Last week we showed you the first part of our story with two enterprising sisters from Hopkins. In tonight’s follow-up, the owners of Nice Cream share more about running their business and how they have managed to balance work and home life. The siblings serve up some sound business advice – they are sharing their […]

Happy New Year to You!

And, as we are less than six hours away from ringing in the New Year, we bring you greetings from some of your fellow Belizeans. While the year 2020 was tough for many due to COVID-19 – there were still things to celebrate and more to look forward to in 2021. Here’s what some of […]

PM Briceño says “Belize Bruk!”

Belize’s economy remains in dire straits, as the country’s productive sectors continue to grapple with the crippling effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  It has been six weeks since the People’s United Party assumed office as the new Government of Belize and what it discovered upon taking over from the previous administration is that the public […]

Briceño Administration Faces Major Financial Headwinds

Like the Prime Minister, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance Christopher Coye is predicting major headwinds in the future. Coye appeared on Open Your Eyes this morning where he described the challenges that the government is facing on both the micro and macro levels. He revealed that by day’s end on Thursday, the […]

PM Briceño promises no new revenue measures & delays increase in SSB contributions!

And while the government intends to reveal its plans for economic recovery in 2021, following a round of consultations– Briceño  assured Belizeans that the government will not be imposing any new revenue collecting measures. He went as far as saying that they have decided to postpone the increase of social security contributions which was to […]

PM Briceno to reveal & take action against corruption carried out during the Barrow Administration!

And so on the heels of what Briceño describes as a ‘bruk government’ – the new administration will need to make real sacrifices by instituting serious belt-tightening measures. Briceño  says that in the coming weeks we will know what actions the government will take to begin the economic recovery in 2021 – but while that’s […]

Major crimes down by 30%!

Major crimes are down across the board by a whopping thirty-percent in 2020. The Belize Crime Observatory has analyzed data compiled by the Belize Police Department and other agencies – and the numbers are looking better than 2019. In the major crimes category, for example, murders have decreased by over twenty-percent. Today, Technical Coordinator Adele […]

Belize’s 2020 murder rate at 25 per 100,000 – lowest since 2013

The Belize Crime Observatory says that the data show that the murder rate for 2020 will be the lowest in seven years. Interestingly, the B.C.O. says that across the Central American countries recorded declines in homicides.   Adele Ramos, Technical Coordinator, Belize Crime Observatory “Now, given where we are with the numbers, we are projecting […]

Transparency in Cannabis Industry is Critical

Continuing with our focus on the Ministry of New Growth’s foray into hemp production, in early 2021 a meeting will be convened with stakeholders and other interested parties in the up and coming industry to see how policies can be implemented to guide the sector forward.  Taking a progressive approach, Minister Kareem Musa is already […]

“Existing Marijuana Laws Make No Sense” – Kareem Musa

The question of legislation, as well as amendments to existing laws, insofar as the issuance of licenses and the cultivation of cannabis is also taking center stage in the ongoing discussion.  According to Minister Musa, revising the laws is necessary particularly where compliance is concerned.   Kareem Musa, Minister of New Growth Industries “A lot […]