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Home » April, 2009 You are currently browsing entries posted in: April, 2009

9 cases of H1N1 Influenza A under investigation

The Swine Flu now referred to as Influenza A(H-one-N-one)continues to spread globally. And in tonight’s newscast, we’ll have a series of stories on the outbreak. We start with a reported increase in the number of suspected cases. On Wednesday there were four and today at a press briefing, the Ministry of Health reported that there […]

Entry point for cruise ship tourists monitoring arrivals

The Ministry of Health, Customs and the Immigration Departments have the borders of the country under surveillance for any signs of the Influenza A (H-one-N-one Flu). The Fort Street Tourism Village in Belize City is also an entry point for visitors. Though there were no doctors or nurses posted at the Village today, the Operations […]

55 Belizean students in Mexico during flu outbreak

The death toll from the Influenza (H-one-N-one) continues to rise in neighbouring Mexico and a pandemic is now imminent says the World Health Organization. It is estimated that there are fifty-five Belizean students pursuing higher education studies in various states including Quintana Roo, Monterey, Yucatan, Chihuahua and Veracruz. News Five contacted the Belize Embassy in […]

Mask must be worn properly to prevent inhaling germs…

The threat of catching this new influenza has prompted the sales of hand sanitizers, surgical gloves and masks to skyrocket. Many feel safe using these items but the improper use of gloves and masks may in fact prevent any protection. News Five’s Jose Sanchez stopped by the Central Health Region Headquarters and spoke to a […]

…And exams will proceed on Monday

Primary and secondary students of schools countrywide have been preparing for the upcoming P.S.E. and C.X.C. examinations. Though some parents are concerned about the possibility of illness on Monday, some six thousand five hundred and seventy-six standard six students will be sitting the exams. That is the word tonight from officials of the Ministry of […]

Supreme Court Rules in ACB Case Against the Government of Belize

The Association of Concerned Belizeans and Senator Godwin Hulse in 2007 filed a claim in the Supreme Court against the Government of Belize challenging the guarantee for Universal Health Services signed by the Government in favour of the Belize Bank. Today the Supreme Court ruled in that case. Attorney for the Belize Bank, Andrew Marshalleck […]

…And in London, Privy Council rules in land case

In other news, this time from the Privy Council in London, this past Tuesday April twenty-eighth, the Council handed down a judgment in a dispute between prominent Belizean business people – William and Jimmy Quinto and Santiago Castillo Limited involving a parcel of land. The facts of the case are that the Quintos were the […]

Minor killed in accident on Western Highway

A traffic accident on the Western Highway early this afternoon took the life of a sixteen year old minor. Around one-thirty p.m., Edwardo Flores was crossing the highway between miles ten and eleven to catch a bus en route to Belmopan when he was hit by a dark green Toyota pickup truck travelling in the […]

Crispin Jeffries is the new Commissioner of Police

Crime has been consistently on the rise and the number of murders, robberies and sexual crimes have reached record highs. Today outgoing Commissioner of Police, Gerald Westby, passed the baton to the new top cop whose job is to keep the criminals in check. Crispin Jeffries has been in the media on several occasions for […]

…But P.S.U. says protocols not followed with appointment

The changes in the top echelons of the Police Force are not without controversy. While the Public Service Union says they have no objection to COMPOL Jefferies, it believes his appointment and other promotions were carried out contrary to Public Service regulations. President of the Union, Jacqueline Willoughby told News Five this afternoon that protocols […]

Activities for families that stay at home because of flu scare…

It’s a three-day Labour Day weekend and large public gatherings such as the Morgan Heritage Concert have been cancelled because of the threat of the H1N1 or Swine Flu. Some people will venture to less populated areas of the country but many will prefer to stay at home. News Five’s Jose Sanchez went to a […]

…And more public events cancelled and postponed

There are more cancellations of major public activities planned for the Labour Day weekend. The Football Federation earlier today announced a postponement of all events including the female competition meeting scheduled for Friday, May first until further notice. The Red Cross has also postponed it’s gala. And if you are wondering about what to do […]

Live coverage of Ministry of Health’s conference on Friday

And in a programming notification for our viewers, we will be bringing to you live coverage of a press briefing by the Ministry of Health to be held this Friday, May first at nine am to keep the nation updated on the H1N1 flu. But before that, viewers are asked to note that a repeat […]

Healthy Living gives an overview of the Influenza A (H1N1)

The World Health Organization today announced that it would no longer be using the term “Swine Flu” but instead will be using the scientific name Influenza A (H1N1) to avoid confusion surrounding the origin and transmission of the virus. In Belize, just as around the world, there has been much attention focused on the epidemic […]

Weekend events called off as swine flu threatens country

The World Health Organization has upped the red flag for the swine flu to level five and the country is under alert. Just before news time, the Ministry of Health issued a directive to call off all major public events planned for this long weekend in the face of the rising threat of a pandemic. […]

Ministry Of Health dispatches samples to Trinidad

And while the masks and gloves are uncomfortable and the personal hygiene is demanding, Dr. Edwards advises to get use to it because it is for the long haul. Marion Ali “Dr. Edwards I know there’s been no detection yet and it’s still very preliminary right now, but how long do you foresee all of […]

Citizens brace for the flu

Citizens have began stock piling as they prepare for the threat of the swine flu pandemic and sales for preventative items are on hot demand. And if you were expecting to purchase a bottle of hand sanitizer or antiviral wipes, masks or gloves… you are out of luck. Supermarkets and stores around Belize City are […]

…And in the northern district schools on alert

Corozal is the district nearest to the Mexican bordering state of Quintana Roo where suspected cases of the swine flu have been detected. And since the borders remain open and the traffic at the Commercial Free Zone is on track, residents are on high alert to avert the disease on this side of the border. […]

Charred remains of Belmopan woman located

A farmer made the shocking discovery in an area near Mount Pleasant off the Western Highway when he saw a tiny flicker of smoke in the bushes. And from personal items found, it is believed the charred remains found covered are of a Belmopan businesswoman who was reported missing since April eighteenth. Duane Moody headed […]

C.J. hears closing arguments in former P.M.’s case

Arguments have concluded in the judicial review in the case of former Prime Minister Said Musa. The hearing began on Monday and today Senior Counsel Edwin Flowers, lead attorney for Musa wrapped up arguments before Chief Justice Abdulai Conteh, rebutting Tuesday’s submissions by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Cheryl-Lynn Branker-Taitt. In his presentation, Flowers maintained […]

Audubon Society calls Victoria Peak clearing illegal & unnecessary

The illegal clearing at Victoria Peak has had residents up in arms since it first came to light last Thursday. The unique and pristine vegetation was destroyed in an area covering ten by fifteen feet at the summit of the national monument to accommodate the landing of a BATSUB helicopter on April eight. Victoria Peak […]

President Antonio Saca receives Order of Belize

It is known that there are thousands of Salvadoran nationals living in Belize. So when the President of El Salvador stopped down in Belize today, he received a warm welcome and a fitting conferral of the Order of Belize. At a luncheon today at the Old Belize, outgoing president, Elias Antonio Saca, also conferred Prime […]

Suspected cases of Swine Flu in the northern district

There is a developing story on suspected cases of the swine flu in the north. And confirmation will take a while on whether two students displaying flu-like symptoms are suffering from the H-one-N-one strain of Swine Flu. News Five spoke with the principal of a high school in the northernmost district late this evening who […]

Authorities stop News Five crew from entering Mexico

A News Five team could not enter into Mexico today to report on the status of the swine flu. But Marcelino Miranda of the Mexican Embassy in Belize gave us an update of what the situation was like Quintana Roo where there are growing numbers of suspected cases of the flu. Marion Ali Reporting Traffic […]

Attempted Kidnapping of 4 girls from prominent families

News Five has confirmed that an attempted kidnapping occurred just before the start of the school day at one of Belize City’s prominent high schools. According to the Michelle Perdomo, wife of Minister Carlos Perdomo, their daughter was standing inside the school gate at Saint Catherine’s Academy waiting for a cousin when a blue van […]