I.C.C. threatens Belmopan over new law
And speaking of censure, Jeffrey Prosser’s high powered legal and P.R. team wasted no time in denouncing Belmopan’s actions in the most sinister terms… and made their usual set of threats, this time in a telephone press conference.
Lanny Davis, I.C.C. Attorney
?We have reports that the government of Belize intends to act lawlessly in expropriating private property by using the assembly that it controls. We think that it is not premature to warn the government of the consequences of its doing so.?
Holland Redfield, V.P., Corporate Affairs, I.C.C.
?Let me also say Lanny, clearly in this situation, because of the magnitude of it, there has been a history inconsistencies on the part of the Government of Belize and Innovative Communications is drawing a line in the sand to clearly state that if you are either thinking about it, or contemplating doing it, you are going to have consequences to your actions. Clearly, that?s the message we are sending.?
In their presentation in the House, the government described the legislation as necessary to bring order to a hopelessly chaotic situation in the telecommunications industry.