“Petrocaribe is Here to Stay” – P.M. Barrow
The matter of the illegality is still before the courts, but where the outcry from the Opposition, VIP, church, business sector and unions is concerned, the Prime Minister isn’t at all concerned, and neither is he ambiguous where Petrocaribe is concerned.
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“Petrocaribe and its bountiful infrastructural, social assistance and job creation funding has provided an unprecedented development boon to our country. This is seen and appreciated and welcomed by people from all walks of life in every corner of this land. It is a good thing. It is a great thing and we in the United Democratic Party will never allow anyone to stop it. I say that without apology, but in a factual, not in a quarrelsome way. I am not flinging down the gauntlet to anyone. But in as measured and in as unambiguous a fashion as possible, I repeat and declare that for the good of the people Petrocaribe and the Petrocaribe Loan Act are here to stay.”
Petro Caribe is here to stay but you have to go, Barrow!!! Belizeans don’t want a thief to hold the Office of Prime Minister.