House meeting ends in chaos
It may have occurred on Friday, but the reverberations from the bizarre conclusion of the House meeting are still being felt. That legislative session ended in chaos, featuring loud verbal protests and a plastic cup of water being flung to the floor by the Leader of the Opposition. The problems began when representative for Mesopotamia, Michael Finnegan, rose to address the House on alleged guarantees made by the Government of Belize on behalf of the Belize Airport Concession Company. But when Finnegan refused to hand over the documents he was quoting from to the Prime Minister, Speaker of the House Elizabeth Zabaneh terminated the sitting. Tonight we broadcast those last minutes of Friday’s session.
Michael Finnegan, Area Rep., Mesopotamia
?They guarantee wah financial transaction on behalf of the Belize Airport Concession Company, and that is a fact. I got it right yah. You want I send it with Brutus mek you read it? Mek ah go head Madam Speaka. In the event of default by the company under the loan agreement and the guarantee, the government shall subject to clause two (3)…?
Prime Minister Said Musa
?Madam Speaker what the member should explain…?
Michael Finnegan, Area Rep., Mesopotamia
?Madam Speaker the Prime Minister may reply after wah memba done.?
Prime Minister Said Musa
?I am trying to prevent misinformation going out to the Belizean people. The guarantee referred to in that document is a guarantee by B.A.C.C. to the bank, not the guarantee of the government or the Airport Authority. Why do we insist on misleading the Belizean people??
Michael Finnegan
?But of course that is a guarantee.?
Elizabeth Zabaneh, Speaker of the House
?It?s just that from the beginning, I?m still trying to find out what is your point??
Michael Finnegan
?Madam Speaker I don?t care if you noh understand my point.?
Elizabeth Zabaneh
?You don?t care but I care.?
Michael Finnegan
?I don?t care what the Prime Minister say. He has been caught in these alleys and highways before and he use this same House in order to wiggle his way out with distortions of the facts etcetera. So there is a pattern with the Prime Minister.?
Elizabeth Zabaneh
?So what is the point here? What is the point??
Michael Finnegan
?If you and the Prime Minister would allow me to proceed you may learn eventually.?
Elizabeth Zabaneh
?Brutus bring the document that the Prime Minister wanted to see.?
Michael Finnegan
?You di send fu my document fu give the Prime Minister? Who give you authority fu do that Madam Speaker.?
Prime Minister Said Musa
?Because we want to stop you from fabrications in this House and making up lies in house.?
Michael Finnegan
?Anyhow, Madam Speaker, anyhow.?
Elizabeth Zabaneh
?If you do not pass it so that Prime Minister can see we will not continue.?
Michael Finnegan
?I think you really outta hand. You outta hand now.?
Elizabeth Zabaneh
?Because I rule in this house and–?
(Unintelligible shouting)
Dean Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
?You must be crazy…you must be crazy.?
Michael Finnegan
?You mek up the rules as you go long noh??
Elizabeth Zabaneh
?It may want to seem, so but right now I am going to adjourn this House.?
Michael Finnegan
?Madam Speaker, let me proceed.?
Elizabeth Zabaneh
?Prime Minister please put the adjournment.?
Prime Minister Said Musa
?Madam Speaker I move the adjournment of the House.?
Elizabeth Zabaneh
?Honourable members the question is that the House do now adjourn. All those in favour kindly say ?aye?…
Michael Finnegan
?This dah craziness.?
Elizabeth Zabaneh
?Those against kindly say no. The House now stands adjourned.?
(Barrow throws cup to the floor)
Dean Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
?How you wah adjourn the House and the man de talk??
Michael Finnegan
?This dah stupidness.?
Prime Minister Said Musa
?Because he di lie man?too much lies.?
Michael Finnegan
?Man dah you got wah crazy woman as the Speaker of the House. That?s a crazy woman.?