PM Barrow Sets Out Details of Petrocaribe Expenditure
As we mentioned earlier, the amended Petrocaribe Loan Motion was pushed through its stages today, obviously without debate from the absent Opposition. Earlier in the day, before that perhaps knee-jerk decision to depart in protest, the discussion of Petrocaribe had gotten underway, as PM Barrow went to the House for a supplementary appropriations bill, outlining expenditures made out of Petrocaribe monies.
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“When members go to the detailed setting out of the heads and subheads I believe Mr. Speaker they will find all the information that they require. We set out infrastructure, programs, residential mortgage relief, counterpart maternity neonatal service, back to school assistance, village roads, southern Highway. It is all there. Of course the source of the funds for what we are seeking approval for now…the source of the funding is Petrocaribe, but consistent with our commitment to transparency and the way we’ve always done it, we come to the House, we set it all out. This can be circulated and members of the public can see precisely how the money was spent.”
Can anyone understand that a thief monitoring his thefts to authenticate them. Just how stupid does Barrow think Belizeans are? Phenomenally stupid according to Barrow.