No Sanctions for Absent Standard Bearers
The P.U.P.’s National Executive numbers forty-eight, which includes thirty-one standard bearers. Thirty-four were present today which represents a comfortable majority and gives the party some breathing room. And that breathing room means that at least officially, the P.U.P. is not thinking about sanctions against that rebellious ten just yet.
Henry Charles Usher, Chairman, P.U.P.
“No, none of that has come up today in the meeting. The leader continues to have a good fate relationship with all of the members who sign that letter; there is no erosion of confidence there.”
“Sir, I see two of the signatories here—Doctor Smith and Major Jones. I know they can speak for themselves, but is it that they are recanting, reneging on that signature or is it that there is now a common ground between them and the party?”
Henry Charles Usher
“Let me first say I thank Major Jones and Doctor Smith for coming this afternoon and letting their positions be heard to the other members of the national executive and to the other standard bearers. I think it was important for them to come and to let all of us hear what their position is and why they put their signature to that letter. I believe, as you said, they can answer for themselves; however, they did support the positions taken today to hold the national convention at the earliest possible date; to hold a uncontested national convention for the party leader and also for the nationwide consultations to begin this Sunday in Cayo.”
“Sir and on that Sunday meeting in Cayo, will there be the involvement of Mister Silva, who is considered a plan B of San Ignacio?”
Henry Charles Usher
“Well this is being organized by the western caucus and Dan Silva is a member of the western caucus.”
“Do you expect him to attend sir; he didn’t attend today?”
Henry Charles Usher
“There are a lot of things you expect and not expect. I don’t know what will happen on Sunday, but he is a member of the western caucus and we do expect his supporters, his committee to be there and to be assisting in the coordination this weekend.”
“Sir, should he have been here to back up those very clear spoken remarks he made about the P.U.P. on Facebook saying that the voters are not buying what the P.U.P. is selling; a number of rather quite blunt remarks.”
Henry Charles Usher
“Well I think the party leader has already addressed that. He said that it was prudent for them to be here; that it would have shown good fate for them to be here and express their position.”