Should Minister of National Security be Removed from Cabinet?
And tonight’s question is: Do you believe the Minister of National Security should be removed from cabinet? Send your comments and responses using your SMART phones to 8686 or post your vote on our e-poll at You can also send an email with your comments to
He is not Her Majesty the Queen–He is not under the age of 7 as these are the only ones that are exempt from criminal liability according to Belize Laws—Well if he is insane he should be evaluated–However he must be held accountable for his role in this BEHEADING—OF COURSE he should be kicked out of Government services—-
I strongly believe that John Saldivar be removed from the cabinet completely … For many reason which I will list below …
1. Couple months back I was disrespected by john Saldivar when he tried to court me bad I ignored , he told me in quotes ” I can get whom ever I want when ever I want , you sure don’t seem to know who I am ”
2. He is a very devious and dangerous man , he is involved in many many illegal and criminal activities which I have seen first hand .
3. I too was at Mason’s house one night where also present was The mayor of Belmopan , Gaspar Vega , Brackett , John Saldivar , mason , his wife another group of unknown men and commonly known young girls .
4. John Saldivar has already committed a crime and payed someone to go down for him.
5. John Saldivar has been involved in human trafficking .
6. John Saldivar not once but countless times offered me money for sex .
7. John Saldivar and his close companion Doulas grant has been working together hand in hand covering up each others crime .
8. He has hired uneducated people to work right under him .