Chinese Nationals Welcome to Come to Belize If They Are Qualified Says Hulse
According to Hulse, the influx of Chinese nationals into the country should not be seen as a negative if the country is able to benefit financially from the sale of visas. He does reiterate however, that for the process to work effectively, all applicants must be aptly qualified.
Godwin Hulse, Minister of Immigration & Police
“I will say categorically you know, the matter of visas which is highlighted in that thing, some years ago, not so long ago, in fact Marisol will remember, you had an interview with me in my office when I said a million people come to Belize, we don’t make any money from them but we make two thousand dollars from every Chinese and four hundred and sixty-seven had come at the time. What would happen if a million Chinese came to Belize at two thousand dollars each? We’d have two hundred million dollars, you know, that’s a hell of a boost to the economy. China is the second largest economy in the world and the European Union requires no visa from China. So I don’t want an ahuh, “keep the Chinese out kind of thing at all.” What I want to make sure is that those who do come here who do apply for nationality do so properly and are qualified.”
Isani Cayetano
“In retrospect, when you look at the report and the time frame during which the report was generated and where you’ve come so far, in terms of having been the minister and having placed in corrective measures, what can you say have been some of the improvements under your tenure?”
Godwin Hulse
“I’ve said that already. We have a nationality committee man. Now nobody should get a nationality unless it goes before that committee. That committee is made up of the church, the union and the business community, as well as public officers. When I appointed them I didn’t choose them, those were people nominated by the respective organizations. No minister can sign a nationality unless it is passed by that committee. Before it is passed by that committee it is published, after it’s passed by that committee it is published again. People go to a public swearing in, you have all been invited. People then take an oath. A commissioner of the Supreme Court then signs the certificate in the presence of everybody there. That is a tremendous advance over the days when Penner could sign a certificate and you get it.”
Tell Mr. Psuedo- smart Hulse, when did Belize or Belizeans benefit from sale of passports printed at expense of Belizean taxpayers? The Chinese whether from the mainland or Taiwan will never give away one dollar if they won’t reap a windfall of a thousand dollars.
Because of the political immaturity, greed, corruption, and plain stupidity on part of our politicians and the public at large, the Chinese as well as other countries will seize the political and economic upper hand to profit from our weak legal and economic systems. We don’t want to admit this but this is so true. So reflect on this all you Untermenschen.
Godwin Hulse, you are full of shit. Whoring out your nationality for any dollar is treason and you know it. When you were an opposition activist, you were singing a different tune! The Economic Citizenship Program should be terminated. The government makes a paltry sum compared to what the UDP and UDP ministers hustle from the Chinese and Arabs. The reality is that all of you may not be made in China but you are owned by the Chinese. You all, including yourself, belong in prison. I hope the Americans Extradite all of your cheap, whoring asses!