Luke Palacio Attacks Foreign Minister’s Comments
Not surprisingly, Elrington’s comments also struck a chord with the teachers. B.N.T.U. President Luke Palacio responded on Tuesday to the Minister’s commentary.
Luke Palacio, National President, B.N.T.U.
“In relation to what the Foreign Minister said – typical of the party in government. They believe that they are the intelligencers of this country; everybody else is stupid, everybody else doesn’t understand. Whenever that Foreign Minister opens his mouth, those are his words – Belizeans don’t understand, they don’t know law. Why on earth then do you ask the teachers of this country to teach our children about how we are governed, to teach our children what the ministerial system or the government is? You asked the teachers to teach that. Where do they get that wisdom from? Did they go and ask Mister Elrington for that wisdom? Did they go and ask him to develop that curriculum? That has been there from time immemorial. We were taught social studies; we were taught geography, we were taught how we are governed in this country. This guy’s position, I believe based on what he has said, is look you teachers every five years yo go vote and afterwards yo shut yo mouth. And they will come to you and ask you to vote for them—from all major political parties—vote for us, vote for us and every three years in the case of the town council and city councils. They will come and ask you for your vote, but then you are not wise after that to tell them that they are not doing the right things, to point out the concerns that we have as a nation. Nobody is trying to bring down this government; contrary to what Mister Elrington also said; that it is a political move. There is no political agenda here.”