No International Expert for Lucas Beheading Case
When the teachers went on an eleven-day strike in October, they had put together a list of eight demands, called the good governance agenda. One of the demands was the contracting of an international expert to investigate the beheading of Pastor Llewellyn Lucas in July. Lucas’ head was found in a bucket in the pan of the highly-connected William “Danny” Mason’s pickup which was parked at a bar in Belmopan. According to PM Barrow, he has had a conversation with Director of Public Prosecutions Cheryl-Lynn Vidal after which it was concluded that there is no need to import an expert since the evidence against the suspects in the murder is overwhelming.
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“The only room for any kind of expert would be in terms of where there may be some shortcoming—not as a consequence of any omission on the part of the police, but perhaps because the expertise let’s say in the area of the forensic would not be locally available. I have not heard of any such, but that is to me the only possible rationale for importing an expert with respect to the murder. What the B.N.T.U. has been pushing is an expert to investigate the relationship of ministers to Mister Mason. We did agree that we would see the services of such an expert for that purpose, but two things; the Attorney General has proposed terms of reference to govern that to the B.N.T.U. and they’ve come back with some suggested changes, which perhaps the Attorney General will dilate on this a little more, which make clear that they are missing the boat. They seem to be asking that we frame terms of reference in a way that should really inform the actually drafting of the contract if and when we reach the point where we get an expert. So there is going to be some sorting out to do.”