Lillian Salazar Flies High Ahead of KTV Final
Tonight, we profile the third of the four finalists for KTV the Remix, ahead of the grand finale on Tuesday night. Las Flores’ own Lillian Salazar is a doting mother of three who would the last person you would expect to see on the big stage at the Bliss Center for the Performing Arts. But she overcame a debilitating social condition to capture the hearts of her audience with heartfelt performances. As she prepares for Tuesday, Salazar spoke to News Five’s Aaron Humes about how her life has changed since the auditions and the incredible journey she has taken.
Aaron Humes, Reporting
Can you see this young woman as shy? Could you imagine her shrugging off the armchair critics and the occasionally difficult judges and crooning her way to the final four of KTV the Remix? In truth, Lillian Salazar told us, she couldn’t see it at first either.
Lillian Salazar, Finalist, KTV the Remix
“I auditioned for this competition because I would always be doing karaoke, and I love singing since I can remember; I’ve always been singing at churches, choirs. And what made me audition for this competition is the fact that I’ve always been too shy, so I saw this competition as an opportunity to showcase my talent, and get rid of my fears and stop being so shy.”
“And you think you’ve done that?”
Lillian Salazar
“Yes, I have.”
The mother of three boys and food vendor from the Las Flores section of Belmopan still tends to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible, preferring to spend time with her family when she’s not making the best tamales and rice and beans in the capital on the weekends. But she does have strong opinions about her performances and the reaction from the audience at home and at the Bliss Center.
“There were so many negative remarks towards the way I look and what’s not and it was very disappointing; it was heartbreaking. But then I realized that I do have talent; I know I have talent, I believe in myself and I was strong enough to overcome all of that negativity, all of the bullying. I do work very hard at home throughout the day, but at night I get to go out and I see everybody that’s out partying, and everybody would stop by the stall and everybody would come out and say hi. It’s something that I do; I really enjoy what I do. I’m out there selling food; it’s so nice to see people eating my food, enjoying it. Whenever I’m not working on weekends, I have Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday off, I try to spend all that time at home with my kids, when my husband’s here, when he’s not working we try to do everything family – we would go to the river, we would go anywhere. But I’m really stuck to my family than anything else.”
Best friend and partner in crime Rosa Ramirez says she is proud of Lillian’s success and that it runs in her family.
Rosa Ramirez, Best Friend
“She has been singing for quite some time; the talent is in the family. I usually come to La Cabana for karaoke and I am very excited when I know she is singing. All of them sing well but she in particular – sometimes I ask for some of my favorite songs and she wouldn’t deny or think twice to sing the songs. I know there is talent in her, so I was very excited and I gave her my hundred percent support that I would try my very best to be there with her and that’s what I have done. People, like she said would come around and like she says it’s pleasant to know that she is well known and especially for her food – very delicious rice and beans by the way. And yes we are planning for this week – I told her that maybe we should do a little fundraising, so a dollar drive would come in handy for this weekend, so we are hoping to do that in preparation for the finals. And I do support her in that and I love the way she sings; and for the times I have not made it to the show I do watch her on TV and I always text her right away – good job, keep it up.”
And whether she wins the grand prize or not – she says she will put it to use for her family’s needs if she does – Lillian believes she is already a winner.
“I conquered all that I wanted to; I am very pleased with all I have done, and if they want me to be the winner, that it’s up to them. It’s not up to me now – I’ve given my all on that stage and it’s up to them now to decide if they want me to be the winner.”
Aaron Humes reporting for News Five.
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