Wheels of justice move slowly in passport scandal
Like the U.S. Ambassador, our Minister of Home Affairs was also waiting for the investigation to progress. Today he counselled patience, explaining that white collar crime is a worldwide problem that is not easily prosecuted.
Ralph Fonseca, Minister of Home Affairs
“One of the biggest problems with the investigation as I understand it from the police with the last difficulty that we had, is the fact that people do not want to come forward. And people that commit crimes will not readily say that they have done so. We have limited resources, our D.P.P. is working very hard, he’s been travelling all over the Caribbean I know hiring people, he’s even brought in someone from the U.K. to help, not only with this case, but with other such cases, because as Belize grows and our economy gets more internationally competitive, we’re gonna have more problems. We read about them all the time in other people’s newspapers. We’re shocked when we see them in ours, but we have to keep up and today that’s what we’re doing and I’m very grateful to the U.S. Government to help us with it.”