Shanti’s Store in Corozal Targeted by Thieves
The second robbery in the Corozal District took place in the heart of town on Tuesday morning when two men entered Shanti’s Store and held up its owner. That stickup netted a pair of thieves an undisclosed sum of money. The frequency of robberies has also raised serious concerns among residents of the northern municipality.
ACP Joseph Myvett, Head, National Crimes Investigation Branch
Sometime yesterday morning, shortly after nine a.m., Shanti’s Stores, located on Fourth Avenue, Corozal Town was robbed by two male persons, one of whom was brandishing a firearm, of an undisclosed amount of money. The persons then made good their escape. Some of the monies were recovered during the pursuit and police are seeking one known suspect in regards to this investigation.”
“Sir, are you all alarmed by the number of armed robberies in the Corozal area?”
ACP Joseph Myvett
“Well it is a concern and I know for certain that the police have stepped up their strategies, including additional foot and mobile patrols.”
Sad to say but the Corozal Police are too busy hassling the weak and foolish and will never be able to catch real criminals.
Corozal has become a cesspool of crime and the incompetent cops are too busy at the local whore house and taking bribes from citizens who might have a busted taillight on their car while they miss the criminals driving by with a trunkload of weapons.
The drug dealers also have the police in their pocket and are untouchable.
As for the top cop in this interview. LOL he is working on his retirement fund.