Missing businessman closing shop?
We’re not sure if a crime has been committed, or if so who did it, but German businessman Steve Saemmler remains missing tonight…and it appears that his organisation is downsizing in his absence. When News 5 went to the offices of Saemmler’s headquarters, Butterfield Reimer and Associates in Buttonwood Bay, we were confronted by the sight of a moving van loading the company’s files and furniture. Employees would not confirm where the goods were going or if the offshore financial services operation was closing down, relocating abroad or just changing offices within Belize. Numerous calls over the last two weeks to the man currently in charge, Financial Controller, Dirk Mueller, have not been returned. Saemmler was last seen in Mexico and it was rumoured that he had been kidnapped or killed. It appears however, that he is a target of a fraud investigation being conducted by Mexican police, who remain camped at his home in Cancun, anxiously awaiting his return. It is not known what moves are afoot at Saemmler’s other operations; the Caribbean Building Society and Aficionado.