Detainee criticises police
The family of a young man detained by police has strongly protested actions taken by officers as well as the way the story was reported to the media. Claude Waite with his mother, N-Zinga Barkley-Waite, appeared on KREM Radio this morning to contradict information released by police yesterday about a high speed chase that ended Wednesday night with Waite driving into the Queen Street police compound. Waite told listeners that no shots were fired from his vehicle, that the police car chasing him never identified itself, and that the cops fired directly into his car with an M-16 rifle in a way that could only have been intended to kill him. Barkley-Waite, who happens to be a City Councillor, added that when she went to the station to investigate she was treated rudely. Police press officer G. Michael Reid, who released the story to the press, says the matter is under investigation by the Police Internal Affairs Unit.