High schools encouraged to join cycling marathon
It may still be two months away, but organizers of a cycling marathon tour are busy promoting the one of a kind event. Since the Edward P. Yorke Cycling Club was established three years ago, it has been working hard to promote the sport in high schools. On December sixth and seventh, the club will be holding one of its biggest activities yet as a pool of cyclists will be pedalling in relay fashion from Punta Gorda to Belmopan. Kevin Hall, coordinator of the cycling tour, is inviting other high schools to join in the fun.
Kevin Hall, Coordinator, Cycling Tour
“The main objective behind organising this cycling tour is to give the students from E.P. Yorke and other high schools across the country an opportunity to contribute positively to society, doing something that they love. The group that they are targeting to participate in this event would be high school cyclists, both males and females.”
Jacqueline Woods
“How will the marathon be conducted?”
Kevin Hall
“This tour will be conducted over a two day period. It’s scheduled for the sixth and seventh of December, and it will be in a relay fashion where we will have cyclists riding in pairs with control speeds; let say for twenty miles, maybe the student from Punta Gorda or T.C.C. will ride the first twenty miles at control speeds of eighteen miles an hour, and this will continue throughout the journey. The first phase is from Punta Gorda to Belmopan, and what we will do is when we approach large populations, the whole contingent will ride throughout that particular area.”
Jacqueline Woods
“Now, the proceeds raised from this tour will go towards NOPCA, The National Organization for the Prevention of Child Abuse. Why did you’ll specifically choose this organization?”
Kevin Hall
“We had options to choose, but I specifically decide to choose this organization in that we are dealing with youths and we want the youths to be more able to identify that particular institution, being that it is for the prevention of child abuse.”
The business community is also being asked to support the event. If your high school is interested in joining the cycling marathon tour, please contact Kevin Hall at E.P. Yorke High at telephone number 224-4554.