C.E.O. Percival Cho Says Environmental Clearance to Developer Not Granted
According to C.E.O. Cho an application by the developer has been halted because of environmental clearance not being granted. The Department of Environment, however, is reviewing that application.
Isani Cayetano
“My understanding is that the Land Utilization Authority, certain flags were raised and I understand that the owners of those developments proceeded with subdivision nonetheless. Can you explain or bring some clarity to that point?”
Dr. Percival Cho, C.E.O., Ministry of Environment
“As far as I know Isani, there was an application made and it was put on hold because there wasn’t the requisite environmental clearance in place and do that is the process now that is being looked at by the ministry. It’s important for us to clarify, I think there was some post on social media recently and there is some inaccuracies in that post and so it’s good that you brought that up and I am happy to clear that up.”