Min. calls on rookie cops to use community policing
While the list of weekend crime might seem disheartening, tonight there is good news to report in the fight to bring the situation under control. On Friday, forty-two Belizeans were officially inducted as members of the Police Department as the seventy-sixth squad to join the force. During the official graduation ceremony, the recruits showed off some of the skills they learnt during their twenty weeks of intensive training. Guest speaker at the graduation was Minister of Home Affairs Maxwell Samuels. In his address to the rookies, Samuels pushed the strategy of using community policing to reduce crime.
Maxwell Samuels, Min. of Home Affairs
“The Belize Police Department must continue its efforts to increase the safety of the streets of Belize at all hours and reduce the fear in our honest citizenry, whom it is said often lock themselves in their homes at nightfall. A well-planned series of beats designed to serve the needs of Belize City, neighbourhood by neighbourhood, block by block, could well take us closer to increasing safety that we want in our communities. Everyone here today I believe has heard the following statement: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. To you new members of the Belize Police Department, and to all other members, I address the following statement: Police others as you would have others police you.”
The new class of cops includes two women. The Baton of Honour and Valedictory Speaker was Recruit Police Constable Hernan Carcamo. During their training, the officers were taught criminal and traffic laws, police duties and responsibilities, evidence and procedures, foot and riot drills, including self-defence and first aid. Other courses included public relations and introduction to conflict resolution.