Image Factory, Houses of Culture get I.D.B. funding
Every year, the Inter-American Development Bank, through its Cultural Centre in Washington, D.C., gives grants for cultural projects organised by agencies in Latin America and the Caribbean. This morning, Belize’s three recipients, The Image Factory, and the House of Culture in Orange Walk and Benque, received their donations. I.D.B.’s country representative, Hugo Souza, says any NGO or institution can apply, however, the cultural projects are judged based on local need, how the programmes support artistic excellence and must contribute towards youth and community development. Accepting the cheque on behalf of the Image Factory was Pamela Braun. Braun says the money, totalling four thousand dollars, will be used to fund the art gallery’s first summer camp at St. Mary’s School. Meanwhile Lita Krohn, the Director of the House of Culture accepted a twenty thousand dollar cheque for the House of Culture in Benque and Orange Walk.
Pamela Braun, Co-ordinator, Smarts Camp
“Primarly to introduce children to imagination, self expression which will help with self esteem issues. It really creates a positive environment and they carry that home with them.”
Jacqueline Woods
“How often does the Image Factory hold these camps?”
Pamela Braun
“Well this will be the first one. This is the first adventure that we are going into and we hope that this is the beginning of a thing that we can do consistently with the youth.”
Lita Krohn, Director, House of Culture
“One donation is going to be for Banquitas in Orange Walk which is presently being refurbished as a House of Culture for Orange Walk, and it will be for necessary equipment that will go inside that. Right now we are preparing a historical exhibition that will go from Maya to modern, so when people go to Orange Walk, you know we have our museum here, but Orange walk has its own history; it has a lot of history. And then the other donation ten thousand dollars to upgrade the exhibit hall at the House of Culture in Benque. It will be up to the people in Benque, the Community of Artists to see how they will work out those details.”
Krohn, who has been appointed as Culture Project Co-ordinator, says through a ten million dollar loan from Bancomex in Mexico City, funds will be made available for the refurbishing of the Bliss Institute and the Government House. Repairs to the buildings are expected to begin before the end of the year.