Fuel tax won’t go down
And the news doesn’t get better because he the Prime Minister won’t keep a commitment to bring the prices down “no matta what”. Earlier this year on March sixth, Barrow said that the one dollar tax on fuel would not take the price of diesel above the six dollar per gallon mark and gasoline above seven dollars per gallon. He said that if the costs had to be raised, he would revisit and lower those prices when things got better. But because of the dismal state of the economy, Barrow reversed that and said he won’t be able to ask Cabinet to lower the prices.
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“In view of the revenue picture that I have painted, I absolutely can’t and do remember that while I had said that I had to look at circumstances and had to review the circumstances, basically, when we removed the RRD and replaced it with a flat tax we gave up millions of dollars. So in the current circumstances, I will have to wait a little longer to see how this thing plays out in terms of the volatility of oil prices. I certainly cannot see myself in the current circumstances going back to the house to lower our taxes in this area, not in terms of this situation.”