Girl Guides celebrate “Thinking Day”
This week Belizean guides, brownies and rangers celebrated the growth of their organisation in the country with a series of activities. Today is “Thinking Day” and according to secretary of the Girl Guides Association, Marilyn Young, the day is spent in reflection.
Marilyn Young, Secretary, Girl Guides Assoc.
“Today is very special for us as a movement, because this is the day that we celebrate our founders birthday. Our founders’ names are Lord Badden Powell and his wife, Lady Olave Powell. They were both born on February twenty-second. This is the day when world-wide we celebrate this day. We will be having a camp fire this afternoon at the Hilda Rosado Hut, and the girls will do sing-alongs and after that they will roast marshmallows and they will get acquainted with the girls from the different companies and packs.”
Over the weekend, Belizean guides will participate in a fun day at the Guides Hut and an ecumenical service at Ebenezer Church.