Sixty Belize City Students Receive Scholarship Grants
Sixty Belize City students today were recipients of scholarship grants courtesy of PricewaterhouseCooper. PWC, through a partnership with the Ministry of Education, has been financially assisting students for almost a decade. This year, the students received one thousand dollars for them to follow their dreams. According to Chief Education Officer Doctor Carol Babb, the schools’ administration chose the most deserving students to receive the scholarships. As part of today’s ceremony, saxophonist from Stevie Wonder’s Band, Ryan Kilgore, gave the students a motivational talk.
Dr. Carol Babb, Chief Education Officer
“We have Ryan Kilgore and he is the saxophonist of Stevie Wonder’s Band and he wanted to meet with our young people so we have invited the YLC. The YLC is the Youth Leadership Council and these students are recipients of a scholarship amounting to a thousand dollars from PWC. For the last ten years PWC has been giving us forty thousand US to distribute to students who are deserving the scholarship. They can pay tuition. If the tuition is less than a thousand dollars then we can use a portion of it to buy whatever they need.”
Hipolito Novelo
“How were the kids selected?”
Dr. Carol Babb
“Most of the children were selected by their primary schools. Because PWC work in the city we approached principals of high school to indentify students who are deserving of a scholarship who work well and have a good attitude.”