“I mean let’s be realistic” – John Briceño on Electric Cars in Belize
One person who is not at all sold on the idea of electric cars in Belize anytime soon is Opposition Leader John Briceño. He scoffed at the idea as unrealistic, given the fact that the technology, though tried and true, is still being developed in places like the United States.
John Briceño, Opposition Leader
“If there is one thing that the prime minister, you know, has not lost… I mean he had no energy on the Twenty-first, maybe he was not feeling well, but he’s still a good spin artist, you know, talking about electric cars as if that is going to solve our problems here in Belize with fuel. It is a good thing that we’re starting to look at the possibility of introducing electric cars into Belize, but we’re still not there, even in the United States they’re still working on the technology in getting the batteries that can hold enough power that would be able to move the cars and can travel far enough on a tank of gas. It’s still very expensive and so these are some of the things that have to be addressed. So, good move PM, but please, I mean let’s be realistic, it’s not ready that, you know, the citizens are going to be driving around in electric cars.”