P.U.P. to Challenge Edward Broaster’s Kelly Street Address
Deputy Commissioner of Police Edward Broaster told News Five on Wednesday that he has been residing at number one Kelly Street in Belize City. The location is the address of Chon Saan Palace Restaurant which is owned by former Senate President and U.D.P. Caribbean Shores standard bearer Lee Mark Chang. It is also shared by eleven other individuals. The P.U.P.’s area representative for the division, Kareem Musa is uncertain that the high ranking police officer lives at that address. And today he told News Five that his team will challenge the matter in court on a point of principle.
Kareem Musa, Area Representative, Caribbean Shores
“I think that the reason that it has caused everyone to be interested in this, it has certainly raised some eyebrows is because we have two high profile individuals so to speak. One of them is my opponent who is an owner of Chon Saan Palace which is a restaurant and then you have the deputy commissioner of Police who has gone in in the Elections and Boundaries Department I believe it was the twenty-third of August of this year to say that he resides in Chon Son Palace. I heard my opponent last night say that in fact that he has three number one Kelly Street as address. I am not aware of that. The only number one Kelly Street that I am aware off is Chon Saan Palace. So the twelve or thirteen individual registered there I am assuming they are trying to say that they have an apartment complex there. Everyone knows the Deputy Commissioner of Police; everybody knows his relationship with Lee Mark Chang. As Lee Mark Chang said last night, that is his family. That is fine and dandy. It is actually adorable to hear that you would want to go and vote for your B.F.F. That is cute. But that at the same time we are a country of laws Hipolito. My team knowing full well that Mr. Broaster lives on La Croix Boulevard with his wife decided to file an objection to his purported claim that he lives on number one Kelly Street.”