Opposition Leader Denounces Attacked on Nicole Usher
The leaders of both parties today also spoke on the recent case of domestic abuse that led to police charging Kenzle Hulse with harm upon his ex-girlfriend, Nicole Usher. Usher alleges that Hulse physically assaulted her and threatened her with a weapon. Leader of the Opposition, John Briceño says such barbaric behavior cannot be countenanced.
John Briceño, Leader of the Opposition
“To make matter worse we also have the son of another minister, Minister Godwin Hulse. What is his name? Kenzle Hulse.”
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“With respect, on a point of order, I don’t think the second issue should be raised in this House because it is currently before the courts.”
John Briceño
“I think it is important for us to put this on record Madam Speaker of how we feel about this. We just had Sixteen Days of Activism and I commend the wife of the Prime Minister, the Special Envoy for Women and Children that condemned this action. So I believe it is important to say how outraged we are over this matter. Yes it is a case of he said, she said but she is the one who has the marks around her neck. This is not the first time that this young man has been involved in pulling a gun at someone else. It has happened before.”
Laura Tucker-Longsworth, Speaker of the House
“We got the point there though Opposition Leader.”
John Briceño
“I am not sure if we have gotten this point. Madam Speaker.”
Laura Tucker-Longsworth
“Yes we have.”
John Briceño
“This kind of entitlement that they believe that they have should be condemned in the strongest of words. And you know what disappoints me about Minister Hulse Madam Speaker, somebody that we have looked at with such high moral standards. No I need to say it Madam Speaker, respectfully.”
Laura Tucker-Longsworth
“No, but you keep referring to the minister by his name. That is in violation of the Standing Orders. Don’t call the minister’s name.”
John Briceño
“The father that’s involved. Not once did he condemn gender based violence. It is irrelevant who is involved. “
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“I won’t comment about the Hulse matter simply because young Mister Hulse has been charged and this is an issue before the courts. I don’t know whether there is indeed a sense of entitlement that the Leader of Opposition spoke about. I don’t know whether there is indeed a sense of entitlement that persons who are related familiarly to the elected area representatives of the U.D.P., I don’t whether there is a sense of entitlement that they feel but I can tell you that that absolutely cannot be tolerated. Nobody must think himself or herself above the law for any reason and most particularly not for the reason that he or she is connected to any member of government.”