A Lesson Learned for Patrick Faber
While we had Faber, we also asked him about this poor performance in the convention results. In reflecting on Sunday’s turnout, Faber acknowledges that throngs of supporters came out to vote for their leader of choice. Faber does, however, admit that there was a moving hand behind the results of the convention.
On the Phone: Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
“Well I think that is known by now. There are a number of other factors. As I said, it can be no secret anymore and most people have already determined this that the selection of the delegates for instance was not done by the books as it ought to have been. But as I’ve said, I don’t want to lament on this. This is not something that I complained about. Other things were included, influence from powerful forces in the party, financial forces, as well as in terms of the leaders of our party but it makes no use now to cry and I went into that convention knowing those handicaps and I believe that the people of our party, those who were afforded the right to vote would have been able to see past all that and it didn’t happen. So for me it is a lesson learned and it also is a lesson that in fact so many of my colleagues continue to not support me in the manner in which a leader needs to be supported, so that I have to look at things and determine how I can improve on those relationships if it is I am going to offer myself again.”