Youth Start Plan trains for employment
Unemployed youths between the ages of sixteen and twenty-nine will soon get the opportunity to undergo training and upon completion be given the opportunity for employment. Under the Youth Start Plan Programme, four training sessions will be implemented and today a one-day seminar was held for those organizations that will be assisting in the programme. Sandra Bradshaw, a training officer with YSP gave us a rundown.
Sandra Bradshaw, Training Officer, YSPL
“Mainly the daycare providers for children and we’re working along with the YWCA, Miss Lenares is spearheading that. We have a committee that we set up and we are working to get that off the ground. That course will run for a period of six months. It will commence on the sixteenth of November. We also have the networking course in computer. It’s and advance, we ran one before previous to this. This is now an advanced one which we are doing it in conjunction with WorldCom Technologies on Freetown Road it’s spearheaded by Miss Palacio and that will be a four-month course that will commence on the thirtieth of October. The third one is the VCR, TV repair, which is done with Mr. Sosa of the Belize Institute and Technology and will run period of six months. This is an advance course to one that we had run with him previously. Finally we have the introduction to broadcasting. This one we’re running along with Love/RSV, that’s Love FM and of course it will involve many other media houses. This course will run for a period of six months.”
If you are interested in any of the training programmes you are asked to contact the Youth Start Plan at telephone numbers 31755 or 36968 or visit their offices at number sixteen Gabourel Lane.