Child Daycares Centers Can Now Open
As of Wednesday, child daycare centers will be able to open and operate. Daycares were closed down because such a facility can be particularly fertile places for the spread of contagious illnesses, especially since children are more susceptible to the spread of infectious diseases. With the limits of social gathering set to expire, Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte also announced today that daycare centers will be allowed to go back to business and children under six years of age are not required to use masks.
Michael Peyrefitte, Attorney General
“Well if you are under six years old you don’t have to wear a mask. The day cares can open. Under this they can open but we have to tell the people that is great risk you are taking. I don’t know, I would suggest, me Michael Peyrefitte, not the government whatever you have been doing so far please try continuing if you could. If you send you children to a day care center you are taking a risk but the law is now allowing you to do it.”