Gun amnesty planned for September
It is not a new idea, but one which has worked in the past. Over six years after a private sector initiative succeeded in buying back and destroying over two hundred and fifty illegal firearms, Cabinet, concerned by a steep rise in violent crime, has given the go ahead to try the plan again. At a meeting this morning with representatives of the media, police and potential sponsors of the programme, Minister of National Security gave the okay to get the effort organized for next month. While details will be worked out shortly by a three-man committee consisting of Lascelle Arnold, Marshal Nunez and Nuri Muhammed, the basic concept has already been mapped out. First, an amnesty will be officially declared by government, which will allow a two-week period during which owners of illegal guns can turn them in. The depot, which will accept the guns, will pay a negotiated cash price on the spot depending on the type and condition of the weapon. No police or government authorities will be involved in the handing over process and no names will be asked of people bringing in the guns. All firearms will be destroyed publicly. In case viewers have forgotten how the process worked last time, we’ll repeat a story from February 1994 reported by our own Ann-Marie Williams McDonald.
Ann-Marie Williams McDonald
“The cash for guns programme which ran for two weeks in Belize City resulted in the collection of two hundred and sixty-seven guns. Today the tables were turned, instead of weapons destroying people, people destroyed them. The destruction took place right here at Battlefield Park in Belize City.”
This first of its kind programme was the brainchild of business man Lascelle Arnold. He worked along with Darrel Carter, Lionel Castillo and Rufus X to make cash for guns a success. The destruction of the weapons began at 4:20 this evening, as a large number of Belizeans witnessed the event.
Lascelle Arnold
“We use the torch to cut the hard steel material and for the softer steel, we use the chop saw with a carbide blade.”
Arnold says that he’s planning on making a monument from the end product, which will be symbolic of the programme’s success. But according to Darrel Carter, the real success came when people supported the cash for guns programme with more than just talk.
Darrel Carter
“I would say that the business community at this point in time in support of the guns programme, except for S and L who gave us the only cheque from the tourism sector. We believed that the tourism crowd should have come through big time for us. But we found those who are normally giving, continue to give and we found an extra amount, who came up and what can we say, they came out big time for us.”
Lascelle Arnold
“Without the media, this wouldn’t be like this. The media is the one who really comes out for us and make it a success. Without the media nothing happen in Belize that would be a success.”
Carter says that part of the programme’s success was the actual burning of the guns.
Darrel Carter
“We believed that if we have failed in the destruction of any of these guns and it had ended up on the streets, we would not live to undo the damage which would have been caused on ourselves in the first place and on the programme in the second instance. So I believe that it is in that light that we have seriously been out here today to destroy the guns.”
Ann-Marie Williams McDonald for News Five.
Funds for the buyback programme will be solicited from the business community with government pledging an unspecified amount. Today businessman Glenn Godfrey got the ball rolling by handing over a cheque for ten thousand dollars, while the Belize Chamber of Commerce will be canvassing the private sector for more. At the end of the amnesty period police will crack down heavily on those criminals who failed to take advantage of the programme.