Guinea Grass Villagers Protest, Again
While the Marroquin family remains in quarantine, hundreds of persons are under lockdown in the village of Guinea Grass in Orange Walk. Guinea Grass along with Santa Martha and Shipyard were placed in lockdown earlier in the month. Villagers in Guinea Grass, however, are up in arms because they say that the assistance that the government promised is not forthcoming. A group protested again today in an effort to catch the attention of the government. One of the protestors was Dino Camero.
On the Phone: Dino Camero, Resident, Guinea Grass Village
“We are saying that the assistance that the government coordinated with Human Development is not coming as we were expecting because at the very moment they decided to lock down Guinea Grass they need to have taken consideration the amount of people that live in our village. We are a village with the population over three thousand. Not all the people are getting, and we are saying that this situation is being repeated as the first one. The things that they give you when they interview you like for example myself; they ask me questions like how many people in your home. Their age their social security. If you have television, table, tablet, phone. If they have all types of things. Washing Machine? What size? I don’t see it makes sense for them to be asking all those types of questions and when in the interview you told that you have a one year old, one that is eight, girls of boys, nothing for them come. Nothing even a pan crema or a milk for the babies. Nothing for the elderly. The diabetic people need to get their pills. They need to have get more attention. They have special type of sugar that they use to prepare their tea and nothing like that is coming for them.”