Precious Martinez Submitted the Winning Theme!
The winning theme was submitted by a thirteen-year-old second form student from Sacred Heart College in San Ignacio. Precious Martinez is the youngest to win the competition. Today, she shared what inspired the winning theme.
Precious Martinez, Submitted Winning Theme
“I got the idea that overcoming adversities would probably mean thinking about Belize during these challenging times and how we could turn these adversities into opportunities so that we can prosper and as nation bloom. An example would be like COVID-19, it can be addressed quicker if everyone would follow the safety measures and proper protocols without complaining. And then we would be able to continue our normal lives. Creating opportunities would mean like people unite – like my dad, during these times he decided to start farming agriculture in our yard. So, he is growing corn, tomatoes, cilantro and we don’t have to go to the market and risk our lives there. We become more prayerful. And by using technology, like right now, and also the challenge for using technology for the present and the future. I see it is as an opportunity to compete with the world like schooling and internet and social media platforms. So, at the end of the day, all of us as Belizeans unite and have to prosper as a nation.”