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Oct 26, 2009

Hattieville resident killed in his yard

Story PictureThe body of a Hattieville resident was found at the edge of dug out pool behind his home last Friday evening. Hubert Tillett lived in a secluded area about two and a half miles down the Dollar Bank Road. His wife and kids reside in the United States. Tillett was last seen by his brother in law, Raymond Garbutt, last week Tuesday. And on Friday evening, when he could not be located, Garbutt and his girlfriend scoured the area. It was Garbutt’s girlfriend who found Tillett’s body and promptly informed the police. It had cut wounds to the neck and the crime had the tell tale signs of a home invasion. Officer in Charge of Hattieville, Sergeant Peter Serrano, said that the police are doing all they can to find the culprits responsible for this murder and another recent home invasion in the village.

Sergeant Peter Serrano, O.C. Hattieville Police
“Shortly after four p.m. on Friday we received information of a person apparently dead in a pool. We visited the area where indeed, we saw a male person who was lying face up in a pool.”

Jose Sanchez
“How did this person die?”

Sgt. Peter Serrano
“Well, I can say from what I actually saw on his body, he received head injuries.”

Jose Sanchez
“A swimming pool or just a pool in the yard?”

Sgt. Peter Serrano
“It’s a homemade dug out pool.”

Jose Sanchez
“Are you looking for any particular suspects? Any arrests so far?”

Sgt. Peter Serrano
“We haven’t made any arrests. We have interviewed quite a number of people with the investigation but no charges as yet.”

Jose Sanchez
“Motive: burglary?”

Sgt. Peter Serrano
“Again, it’s difficult to say at this point what was the motive.”

Jose Sanchez
“Is this the first time you had a home invasion in the recent month or you have others?”

Sgt. Peter Serrano
“Here in Hattieville this is the second.”

Jose Sanchez
“Do you think any of them could be related?”

Sgt. Peter Serrano
“Well, we’re studying it out. It could be. We’re studying it out as we speak.”

Jose Sanchez
“Has the family told you if this person had any enemies or anyone who would want to attack him?”

Sgt. Peter Serrano
“No, no.”

After making checks in the house, Garbutt, who also lives at the residence on Dollar Bank Road, found that the home was also burglarized. Several items were missing, including a stereo, a television, and a DVD player.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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