Gov’t Gazette now on World Wide Web
The Government Gazette is an often arcane document containing sometimes obscure laws, statutory instruments and legal notices. If you happen to be on the mailing list the circular often arrives in less than perfect shape, thanks to its being tightly rolled without the benefit of an envelope. But that old rumpled Gazette is now a thing of the past. For those with a computer it is now available on the World Wide Web. Just go to and you won’t have to wait to see which public officers are being promoted, who’s been granted a piece of land and which companies are applying for development concessions. For government printer Lawrence Nicholas, a man who normally deals in paper and ink, the move was a necessary and logical step forward.
Lawrence Nicholas, Government Printer
“There has always been the vision of the printing department since it is a prime focus for government publishing information. Having it on the web, they will have a broader access to public information. It’s quicker…what is happening in the world today, for any country to move ahead, for economic development to build the country, it is essential that the public at large be able to access government legislation very quickly.”
Another government body, the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service, BELTRAIDE, has also launched a new website. The site offers up to date information on investing in Belize, including legislation, procedures and a database of private sector businesses. Address of the site is Both the Gazette and BELTRAIDE websites were created by Netkom Internet Solutions.