New body to certify agro-exports
Last week in Havana he lambasted the trend towards globalisation as a racket perpetuated by the rich nations against the poor. This week, faced with the reality of a country which must work hard for its daily bread, Prime Minister Said Musa helped officially launch a new body which will prepare our exports for the global market. The occasion was the inauguration of BAHA, the Belize Agricultural Health Authority. Coming under the direction of the Ministry of Agriculture and helped financially by the IDB, BAHA will establish a certification procedure for all of Belize’s agricultural exports. This step was mandated by Belize’s entry into the World Trade Organization. In his remarks at the Agricultural Showgrounds in Belmopan Musa emphasized that “it is essential that our producers be ready to compete with their counterparts in the richer and more powerful nations of the world.” The BAHA certification will also be used to safeguard the quality of products for the domestic market as well.