Over 170 Vehicles Reportedly Missing from Ministry of National Security
According to Flowers, Prime Minister John Briceño, who is also Minister of Finance, should investigate the Assets and Utilities Unit which also oversees the Vehicle Care Unit where fleecing is purportedly taking place.
Dean Flowers, 1st Vice President, P.S.U.
“Addressing vehicles and securing government vehicles is something that we realize that we all have to do better in keeping a vigilant eye on and it is no secret that that is one of the areas where there has been some of the most abuse in the system. We hear about a lot of abuse, a lot of corruption within the Ministry of Lands and within the Immigration Department, but in the Vehicle Care Unit unless you start digging into those vehicles which have been acquired over the past and the price at which they have been disposed of and whether or not they are even on the government books. I can speak to, I believe it was the Auditor General’s report whereby she reported that, I believe, over a hundred and seventy-odd vehicles were missing from within the Ministry of National Security. So one has to ask the question, what exactly is happening within the Assets and Utilities Unit of the Ministry of Finance? We know that there is fleecing of government assets going on there but nobody seems to be holding anybody accountable and we are hoping that by us now putting this press release out there and calling on the Minister of Finance to commission an inquiry into that unit to look at historically what has been going on in there so that mechanisms and so that we can mitigate these abuses in that particular unit of the ministry.”