Teachers Says Local Assistant Manager Undermining Principal at St. Peter Claver Primary
According to Martinez, teachers at Saint Peter Claver Primary School are trying to figure out why the assistant local manager is preoccupied with their school. She is responsible for twenty-nine schools in the Toledo District. The teachers say they are also demanding that a financial report regarding the school’s feeding program be made available.
On the Phone: Ray Martinez, Teacher, St. Peter Claver Primary
“We have been treated unfairly I have in the past three years; this is the second time they are initiating transfers from the school despite that the transfers be requested. I have not requested any transfers. I came January eleventh, the first day of school; I was called into the assistant local manager office to receive a letter initiating transfer. And a number of teachers over the years have been transferred. We have had situations where teachers were transferred to rural schools and had to be brought back because the transfers were not approved by the teaching services commission which is the body that finalizes transfers or approves transfers. She is in charge of twenty nine schools in Punta Gorda but I guess we share the compound with her office she is around so frequently that she operates more like a principal than the administrative principal which is wrong according to the policies of the handbook. The school feeding program, a vice principal is in charge of it. A little to add to that is the fact that she mentioned in a meeting that she does not give the administrative principal the financial report. It goes directly to the assistant local manager and in a meeting with the assistant local manager she said there is no such thing, she has never received a financial report from this vice principal.”