Patrick Williams Tells Us Why He is a Perfect Councilor for Belize City
He is twenty years old and Patrick Williams is entering politics. He says that he closely monitored the campaign trail of the two major parties for weeks, but it was the Belize Progressive Party that caught Williams’ attention. He is running for the municipal elections under the green banner and says he has chosen to do so because he believes that a third party councillor will bring the balance needed. While he is a newcomer, Williams has already started to do some works around the city.
Patrick Williams, B.P.P. Councillor Candidate, Belize City
“I chose the Belize Progress Party because I personally believe that they have clean. They never had issues in the past and for a third party in the elections I believe it would bring balance among the two sides. I believe that I am a person of good heart and good interest towards the people of Belize. I hope for the best and I just hope I get the support from the Belize.”
Hipolito Novelo
“Let’s say if you win on March third, what are some of your goals? What are some of your aims? Why is it that you decided to enter politics?”
Patrick Williams
“Well, a goal would be to support entrepreneur around the city. The reason why, let’s say down the road we support five entrepreneur that is five different businesses that will provide jobs for citizens in Belize. My intention is to find ways to provide jobs because we in this day and age we need jobs. People are losing jobs due to the coronavirus and we need to find a way to sustain the city. I’ve been work through the north creek area. I am repairing the streets, I am cleaning up the area and the people around the area are very happy to see that work is being done because they have been neglected for years.”