Angelus Press expands to Majestic Building
Many residents of Belize City remember going to “matinee” at the Majestic Theatre. But ten years ago, when it became impossible for it to compete with the televisions which were popping up in everyone’s living room, the theatre closed down. It will re-open tonight, but the big screen has been replaced by little ones and the rows of seats have been removed to make room for an assortment of swivel chairs. The Angelus Press Limited has expanded to the Majestic building, refurbishing it to house their computer, fax, photocopier and other business machines. Office furniture is also on the ground floor showroom while the former reserve seat section is now reserved for their administrative and technical staff. The Prime Minister, Said Musa will cut the ribbon at ceremonies tonight. The Angelus Press says the renovation is part of an overall expansion program.