FBI sends initial results in Gordon case
Eight months after the body of fifteen year old Samantha Gordon was found floating in the waters off Vista Del Mar in Ladyville, the FBI lab in Washington DC has sent its first report back to Belize. Dr. Mario Estradabran, the police pathologist told News Five that vaginal swabs were done on Gordon and these were sent to the States for further testing. The FBI lab’s initial reports are that they did not find any signs of seminal fluid or semen. This type of information could have been critical in terms of material evidence. Additional tests are being carried out to try and determine the cause of death. Four men were detained earlier this year by police who claimed their investigation indicated Gordon had been murdered because she gave one of the men HIV. The Director of Public Prosecutions subsequently withdrew the case saying there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. So far there is no evidence to suggest that Gordon had HIV. Her family has flatly denied police’s claims.