Former PM Says His Administration Went “Off the Rails”
Former Prime Minister Dean Barrow also took responsibility, in part, for the historic defeat experienced at the polls in November of 2020. Barrow admitted that towards the end of the last term, his administration “went off the rails.” He even invited those that are still in leadership to come to the same public realization.
Dean Barrow, Former Party Leader, U.D.P.
“There were very many things that went awry, very many things that were amiss with our administration, especially towards the end of that last five year period. I have to accept whatever blame is due me. I have to take responsibility for the fact that there may instances that the public could point to as evidence of our having to some extent gone off the rails, of having gone off the deep end. While, I did not have wish to see the Party lose, while I would have wished to see that we would have been given another term, and that a new leader would have been able to ship the ship of state and the party’s ship aright, one could not in an sense even come close to suggesting that the verdict, the people of this country, the electorate was an unfair verdict, not at all. What happened, happened for a very good reason, and as I am doing now, I believe the rest of the Party’s leadership must accept that. They must say to people that we acknowledge that mistakes were made, serious mistakes, and that we undertake, also in a very serious way to do better. And again, nothing likes actions. You can make that sort of commitment, but there are things you need to do in Opposition to show to people, to demonstrate to people that you are serious.”