BTL to Focus on Return of Equity
And, as the other take-a-way from today’s virtual AGM is that BTL is taking a new approach to its financial reporting model and looking more at Return of Equity or ROE as a measure of financial performance calculated by dividing net income by shareholders equity. It is a return on assets, minus liabilities Chairman Lizarraga says will help BTL gauge its performance. CEO Tesucum broke down the projections and what it means for stakeholders.
Mark Lizarraga, Chairman, BTL Board of Directors
“BTL continues to transform and evolve to ensure that efficiency, transparency, profitability and longevity. As such, we have shifted our financial reporting model. We now focus on return of equity or R.O.E, which measures profitability, while ensuring that investors will receive a reasonable return on their investment. With this new focus, we aimed to improve the ROE targeting growth from eight percent and rising to twelve percent over the next five years.”
Ivan Tesucum, CEO, BTL
“If you look at the chart, the line chart, it goes from left to right. And, if we are able to achieve the sixteen million by the end of March 2022, we will be able to achieve return on equity by a little over eight percent. And, incrementally year and year we will grow a little to twelve percent over the five year period.”