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Oct 22, 2021

Fisheries Report, A One-stop Shop for Information on Marine Sector

According to Noble-Carnegie, the purpose of the report is to consolidate information on the fisheries sector, making it easier to access data for research.


Alyssa Noble-Carnegie

Alyssa Noble-Carnegie, Communications Director, Oceana

“Any information that’s provided on any of these fisheries we feel is absolutely helpful because as much as we can make decisions and our management based on numbers and evidence, the better we can make sure that they are impactful, not just for the sake of fish but for the sake of people who depend on fish and, you know, the communities.  And with sixty percent of Belize’s population living along the coast, it’s a very big amount of our population that’s dependent on these resources.  And so that’s exactly what we’re trying to do, we’re trying to bring as much information to the public where it’s not like, if I want information on fisheries I have to write someone, get permission to gain access to that or being able to see it.  What we’re hoping to do is to be able to say that if that doesn’t really exist, if that’s not being forthcoming or not completely public, trying to make that information more accessible to the Belizean public so they have that information because we do also get lots of requests from students and people asking for different sorts of information and they all have to be directed to different entities to try to get a good insight and we’re really just trying to hope to seek to consolidate some of that.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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