Fifty Percent of Cane Farmers Prefer Long-term Agreement with B.S.I.
According to the C.F.O., approximately half the total population of sugar cane farmers in the north is in favor of a long-term cane purchase agreement.
Shawn Chavarria, Chief Financial Officer, BSI
“We have fifty percent of the cane farmers signing up for a long-term agreement. I think they see the benefits of continuing with the existing agreements through the value share as we’ve explained where our investments to increase value reduces cost. We all share in that, it’s all about growing the pie, not looking to how we divide it. And as Mac said, our task ahead is to try to convince the BSCFA on continuing with the existing agreement to continue to share in these investments, continue to see how we can reduce costs and also on the farm side, look how we can support the cane farming community to address and see how we can reduce farming costs as well because that’s the other element, we are looking at revenues and we’re growing the pie, we’re reducing the cost for shipping and that is resulting in improvement of the revenues that we share and the third element is looking at efficiency in the farm sector.”